Bob Helmreich
Professor Bob Helmreich died on July 7, 2012, in Granite Shoals, Texas. Social Psychology Network is maintaining this profile for visitors who wish to learn more about Professor Helmreich's work.
Please see below for more information:
- Robert (Bob) L. Helmreich (1937-2012) (American Psychologist)
- Robert Louis Helmreich (Statesman.com)
- In Appreciation of Bob Helmreich and Bryan Wyness (Flight Safety Foundation)
- In Memoriam: Robert L. Helmreich, Ph.D. (Outcome Engenuity)
Robert L. Helmreich is professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, where he has taught since 1966. He is principal investigator of the University of Texas Human Factors Research Project. This group studies individual and team performance, human error, and the influence of culture on behavior in aviation and medicine. Helmreich received his bachelor’s, masters and doctoral degrees from Yale University, and is a member of the Space Life Sciences Committee for NASA’s University Space Research Association. He was editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and a member of the Committee on Human Factors and the Committee on Space Biology and Medicine of the National Academies of Science.
Professor Helmreich received the Flight Safety Foundation Distinguished Service Award in 1994 for his contributions to aviation safety through the study and development of team training techniques (Crew Resource Management) for flight crews. He was also awarded Laurels from Aviation Week and Space Technology in 1994 and 2002 for his research related to human factors in aviation. Professor Helmreich is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Royal Aeronautical Society and has written more than two hundred papers, chapters, books, and scientific reports.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Group Processes
- Organizational Behavior
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To Err Is Human
- Helmreich, R. L., & Merritt, A. C. (2001). Culture at work in aviation and medicine: National, organizational, and professional influences. London: Ashgate.
- Wiener, E. L., Kanki, B. G., & Helmreich, R. L. (Eds.). (1993). Cockpit resource management. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Journal Articles:
- Gregorich, S. E., Helmreich, R. L., & Wilhelm, J. A. (1990). The structure of cockpit management attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(6), 682-690.
- Helmreich, R. L. (2000, September). Culture and error in space: Implications from analog environments. Aviation, Space, & Environmental Medicine, 71(9, Section 2, Suppl.), A133-A139.
- Helmreich, R. L. (1983). Applying psychology in outer space: Unfilled promises revisited. American Psychologist, 38(4), 445-450.
- Helmreich, R. L., Merritt, A. C., & Wilhelm, J. A. (1999). The evolution of crew resource management training in commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 19-32.
- Helmreich, R. L., Sawin, L. L., & Carsrud, A. L. (1986). The honeymoon effect in job performance: Temporal increases in the predictive power of achievement motivation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(2), 185-188.
- Helmreich, R. L., & Spence, J. T. (1982). Gender differences in productivity and impact. American Psychologist, 37(10), 1142.
- Helmreich, R. L., Spence, J. T., Beane, W. E., Lucker, G. W., & Matthews, K. A. (1980). Making it in academic psychology: Demographic and personality correlates of attainment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(5), 896-908.
- Helmreich, R. L., Spence, J. T., & Pred, R. S. (1988). Making it without losing it: Type A, achievement motivation, and scientific attainment revisited. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 14(3), 495-504.
- Merritt, A. C, & Helmreich, R. L. (1996). Human factors on the flight deck: The influence of national culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27(1), 5-24.
- Nyquist, L., Slivken, K., Spence, J. T., & Helmreich, R. L. (1985). Household responsibilities in middle-class couples: The contribution of demographic and personality variables. Sex Roles, 12(1-2), 15-34.
- Radloff, R., & Helmreich, R. (1969). Electronic data collection in field research. American Psychologist, 24(3), 300-303.
- Spence, J. T., & Helmreich, R. L. (1983). Beyond face validity: A comment on Nicholls, Licht, and Pearl. Psychological Bulletin, 94(1), 181-184.
- Spence, J. T., & Helmreich, R. L. (1981). Androgyny versus gender schema: A comment on Bem's gender schema theory. Psychological Review, 88(4), 365-368.
- Spence, J. T., & Helmreich, R. L. (1979). Comparison of Masculine and Feminine Personality Attributes and Sex-Role Attitudes Across Age Groups. Developmental Psychology, 15(5), 583-584.
- Spence, J. T., Helmreich, R. L., & Pred, R. S. (1987). Impatience versus achievement strivings in the Type A pattern: Differential effects on students' health and academic achievement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(4), 522-528.
- Spence, J. T., Pred, R. S., & Helmreich, R. L. (1989). Achievement strivings, scholastic aptitude, and academic performance: A follow-up to "Impatience versus achievement strivings in the Type A pattern." Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(1), 176-178.
- Stricker, L. J., Helmreich, R. L., & Roberts, D. C. (1986). A survey of the society for personality and social psychology. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 12(1), 131-144.
Other Publications:
- Helmreich, R. L., & Schaefer, H-G. (1994). Team performance in the operating room. In M. S. Bogner (Ed.), Human error in medicine (pp. 225-253). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.